What Do I Need to Know If I Am Pregnant In College?

An unexpected pregnancy can be overwhelming to process. If you’re pregnant and in college, the news of your pregnancy can bring many questions. Know that you are not alone. It’s essential to understand your pregnancy details to determine your options. 

At Alpha Center, we can come alongside you to help you take the next best step at no cost to you.

What Is My First Step?

Your first step to clarity in your journey is confirming your pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy test. While you may have gotten one or multiple positive store-bought pregnancy tests, it’s vital to be sure about the accuracy of your result by following it up with a medical-grade pregnancy test. 

At Alpha Center, our pregnancy tests are 97-99% accurate as early as one day after your first missed period. They are also more sensitive at detecting hCG, the pregnancy hormone. Receive free pregnancy testing today at our center.

Why Ultrasounds Are Important

An ultrasound is crucial to being able to understand the details of your pregnancy and make a pregnancy decision. An ultrasound reveals three things:

  1. The viability of your pregnancy (if the pregnancy is progressing/growing)
  2. The location of your pregnancy (if there is a possibility for ectopic pregnancy)
  3. How far along you are (gestational age)

About 10-20% of known pregnancies end in a miscarriage. Most miscarriages occur within the first trimester. An ultrasound can help alert you to whether or not you are at risk for a miscarriage. We offer confidential ultrasounds for free. 

If you’re considering abortion, it’s important to clarify how far along you are, which is only confirmed through an ultrasound. You might have a good idea based on your last menstrual cycle or possible date of conception, but an ultrasound can take measurements to get an accurate gestational age and estimate a due date. Certain types of abortion are only recommended depending on how far along you are. 

What You Need to Know About Options

Once you’ve confirmed you’re pregnant, it’s time to consider your pregnancy options: abortion, adoption or parenting. There is a lot to know about how each option could impact your education. Depending on what college you are currently enrolled in, there might be certain resources available to students.

We can help you figure it out. Be informed about all of your options so you can be confident in your decision and have a clear plan to move forward. 

Free Services & Support

Our compassionate team is available to listen to you and help you make your next step. We are here for you. Schedule a free appointment to get started.

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