We know the news of an unexpected pregnancy can seem like a lot when you’re pregnant, but you are not alone. You may have fears and doubts as you consider what’s next. It’s important to take a few steps before making a decision and moving forward in your journey. However, don’t try to tackle everything all at once. Rather, simply take it one step at a time.
Talk To Your Partner
Your partner may have the same fears and doubts that you have, especially if she’s pregnant. Check in on how she is feeling and gain perspective on the situation. Any decision you make next will impact not only your future but your partner’s future as well. Taking it slow and steady is better than making a rash decision based on the rollercoaster of emotions you may be experiencing right now. It is beneficial to talk to a trusted friend or family member about how you’re feeling. Or if you don’t feel comfortable sharing with people in your life yet, you can also schedule an appointment to talk to one of our team members in a confidential environment. Your thoughts and feelings are valid.
Define Your Fears
To address your fears and doubts about being pregnant, you first need to define them. “Can I support a child financially?” “Will I be a good dad?” “Do I see a future with my partner?” Whatever your fears may be, it’s natural to have them. There may be situations from your past that are causing you to doubt your ability to make clear choices now. Take some time to process the type of impact having a child might have on your life.
Come Up With A Plan
As your next steps don’t just affect you, but your partner and her pregnancy as well, it’s essential to have a conversation with her and come up with a plan together. Ask each other a variety of questions, including:
Where do we stand as a couple? Where do you see us in 5 years? How can we help and support each other? What pregnancy options are we considering and why? Have we gathered all of the information we need to make an informed decision? What is most important to each of us? Give each other time to process through each other’s answers before having an open and honest conversation.
Take Your First Step
Before you and your partner make up your mind about a pregnancy decision, come to Alpha Center so your partner can take a free pregnancy test and discuss the possibility of receiving a free ultrasound to verify the pregnancy. You both can talk about important information regarding the pregnancy options: parenting, abortion and adoption. Alpha Center is here to answer your questions and support you throughout the decision-making process. Schedule a free and confidential appointment to get support for yourself or with your partner today. We are here for you too.